Wednesday 11 January 2012

Dream and reality

Last night I was very busy. I couldn't fall asleep to start with (was it the full moon? The Transylvanian in me?). Then I had a very vivid dream, which lasted a long time, and was multilingual (show off!).
Which then made me stay awake thinking about dreams and reality. Some people believe that dreams are like premonitions - they give you early warnings of what it is to come. Others say that dreams have their roots in the happenings of the day/week/mnth/year/childhood etc.
What do I think? Here's my two-pence (or two-cents) worth, based on some of the stuff I read and on what I believe.
The human brain gathers information all day and all night. But we are extremely busy during the day, running around doing out usual stuff. So the brain doesn't get the chance to catch up with itself. We also don't have a lot of time to carefully think through options in order to make the best decisions. When we sleep, the brain has this chance to "catch it's breath" and quietly and calmly think things through. So it goes through the events of the day/week/month etc and signals go between it's different parts. So we dream based on what our subconscious or even unconscious processes. Those dreams are either the effect of some important events, or hidden wishes that we have, frustrations, desires, even fears... Or short glimses of what the future might hold based on the decisions we have just made. Dreams can also send us some messages on dangers ahead, which instinctively our brain (probably the amigdala) recognises, but we (intelligent, advanced beings that we are) ignore completely.
sweet dreams everyone!

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