Sunday 1 January 2012

The War of Sexes

I've been thinking of this for a few good days now... What is it that is making us, men and women, so different, to the point of fighting (and sometimes inflicting pain, physical or psychological)? From the point of view of a woman (I know, flawed already!), there are millions of reasons... If you lack a good sense of humour, better stop reading now. And before you carry on, I am not a feminist - in fact I love men, couldn't live without them, life would be too dull!
Are men really from Mars and women from Venus? If we believe that men are warriors - or ready to get into fights - and women are beautiful (which they are of course!) then yes. And if you're not sure why, Mars was the god of war and Venus the goddess of beauty in the Roman mythology. I digress!
Can women read maps? I can! And I don't like it when I'm told that women can't read maps or do any orienteering - that's a good enough reason to start a war! And besides, I think women are brave enough to stop and ask for directions, shamelessly:-).
Multitasking... Why is it that men typically have to concentrate on one thing at a time (and sometimes not even finish it!)? As for women... I sometimes talk on the phone while working on something and answering someone else's questions in the same time - and usually not failing any of these tasks! Not that one could fail chatting but that's beside the point!
And why is it that we are programmed from when we are kids in being so different? I would love to be able to fix my plumbing, or replace the electrics, connect the dishwasher, drill holes, etc etc etc. In fact I've been seriously considering enrolling on a course to learn how to do all these. Maybe at some point in the future... Or look at professions. Far more men are engineers, far more women are nurses. And although women probably cook more than men at home, apparently the best chefs are men. Although a man told me that, so I'm not so sure about that!
Not to mention pay differentials - I think in the UK the pay gap is 25%, I won't be working by the time the gap is closed at the current rate. If I'm still alive to see that day I'll be lucky!
I don't believe in quotas, forcing things in. I believe in meritocracy. There are differences, and we should celebrate them, they are what makes us individuals!
Have fun battling!!!

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