Saturday 21 January 2012

Working mothers

Yet another milestone in my and baby G's life. I went to work for 3 days this week. Thought, how hard can it be?!? Quite hard, actually.
Before G, I kept thinking whenever a friend or colleague took a long time off with her baby (one year or longer), how can they take so much time off? Aren't they getting bored? Besides, being "out of circulation" work-wise for such a long time surely makes you a bit rusty! Now I understand...
The UK has some progressive stuff in its maternity regulations. For starters, maternity leave can be up to a year. Ok pay is rubbish unless the company you work for is generous, but it's one year! Then, you can go to work for a few days to keep in touch before coming back to work. You can also "give" some of your maternity leave to the father (not that I know any man who took this fantastic opportunity...either sexist or old fashioned or of course they get paid more than women!). And if you're still breastfeeding when you return to work you are entitled to certain adjustments.
So I had 3 days at work this week. I thought, great! Let's see if my brain is still working. I love my job, and I love the company I work for. So I'd been looking forward to these days but also been apprehensive about leaving baby G. And off to work I go...
First day was great. After a partly sleepless night of course, it was after all the first day back as a mother! It was exciting, I got back into it instantly (I guess all those emails helped!), not much had changed which also helped, and my regular breaks to go home and feed G were working well.
Day 2 came. And G was in a bad mood. When I was coming home to feed her, she wouldn't even look at me. Smiling was completely off the table! It was as if she was really upset with me. I had the silent treatment. Now I know how men feel when they get that! And worse, I knew how mothers feel when they go back to work.
Fortunately things got better in the evening, and day 3 was more bearable - and G was treating me more nicely as well. It made me realise how hard it is to go back to work - less tiring than staying at home with youor baby (yes, really!) but missing them, seeing their little faces with your minds' eyes, needing a cuddle, and then going home to be punished is a lot to cope with!
Will I go back to work? Yes. Full time, after 7 months off. Needs must, and I really do love work. The experience has however made me a bit more understanding... so watch out, there will be a lot of talking about the baby from me!

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