Tuesday 21 February 2012

A baby's smile...

Baby G has started to acknowledge me more and more. Which is great. So what happens? She'll follow me around with her eyes. And then when I look at her, she'll give me a huge, beaming smile. She's always happy to see me (wait until adolescence, that will probably change). She's also always honest with her feelings, you know exactly the mood she is in (being a girl, that will probably also change). And then there's the beaming smile... It doesn't matter what she's doing, whether she's just finished crying, or kept me standing walking around with her, or bit me while eating, when she gives me one of those huge, gums-out smiles, my heart melts. And she knows it! You can also tell that it's a smile from her heart, her cute little nose gets wrinkly, her eyes get sparkly and happy, all those subtle signs that you can instinctively detect in a true smile. Gorgeous!

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