Tuesday 21 February 2012

Why having a blog is difficult

There are probably thousands of articles, websites, books, etc on electronic media, keeping an online social presence, including blogs. I don't pretend to be an expert - far from it, especially as my experience is extremely limited (and my commitment seems to lack sometimes!). So over the last few days I've been thinking of writing this post to hopefully help others think twice before starting a blog.
First you need to have something interesting to write about. I rant a lot. And that's not always interesting, although some people (ok, my sister!) assure me that when I rant I'm funny. And usually the day to day life is... Well... Boring, tedious, not muc happens (fortunately). Sometimes you just don't have good subjects, or ones that such a wide audience would be remotely interested in!
Which brings me to the next issue - this IS a wide audience! Billions of people from around the world. Huge diversity, culturally and otherwise. Very different tastes. How do you please them? Keep them interested? Maybe motivate them to interact? Definitely motivate them to keep reading? Not offend them? You cannot please everyone, but in the same time you need your audience.
And related to this. This blog is in English. Your spelling must be pretty good. (God I hope mine is!) the words that you use, clear. But without playing anything down. People who read blogs are very intelligent.
How do you find or make the time? My posts are usually written in the evening or at night, when baby G is asleep. But I also need some sleep. So maintainng it can mean that you give ul something else. Just like everything in life, it's a compromise!
You also have to maintainng high levels of self-motivation. Tenacity. Keep going. Keep posting. Find interesting things to talk about. Refine your style. Accept feedback, be gracious about it.
So I hope you find some value / enjoymentin my posts! And don't forget the life outside of Internet!

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