Wednesday 1 February 2012


What is going on in the world? First there is the (unlikely to end soon) recession. I'm not doom and gloom, in fact I am an optimist. But I am also an economist, and I do have some common sense despite popular belief. And I know that if we (individuals, groups, countries) continue to do what we've been doi g so far, we won't get anything different from the current dire results. Then there's people's reaction to the recession. Some burry their heads in sand. It won't affect me, I've got a job, I'm ok. No, because there are too many things outside of our control as individuals. And lack of action is probably worse than the wrong kind of action.
Then there are the politicians. And I'm not necessarily, or not just, thinking about the UK. In fact they're not too bad here. I'm thinking of politicians in countries badly affected (Greece, Italy spring to mind) and in my home country Romania.
I am proud of being Romanian. Maybe that's why it makes me so angry when I see glimses of Romanian politics. There's a lot of rhetoric. What would you expect? It is politics after all! But there is a lot of finger pointing. Trying to prove a point (after the fact) as if we didn't know that we are all smarter when we look at things with hindsight! And there is a lot of inaction, or at least that's my perception.
Since when do politicians go on strike? Well, if you haven't heard it before, apparently they are going on strike. When it would be much better to just pull our efforts together, and come up with solutions.
I am a law-abiding citizen, who votes, but unfortunately does not see the point of becoming a politician. I wonder, if people like me were to get involved in the politics, wouldn't world be a better place???

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