Thursday 1 December 2011

Breastfeeding in public

For some women this apparently is daunting. Now I'm not shy. so breastfeeding in public is almost natural. Almost because I'm not a pervert!
I started feeding my little girl - call her G - while she was still in hospital. In such a clinical environment it was really easy. To the extent that the nurses were trying really hard to convince me that I needed a privacy screen. Privacy? In a hospital? After childbirth? I don't think so!!! I haven't even used a blanket, then or now. It is the most natural thing to do. Do you eat a snack, sandwich, etc in public? Do you drink when you're thirsty in public? Well babies are like us so they're entitled to it!
Interesting places and situations where I ended up breastfeeding:
- when G had a canula put into her little hand for a blood transfusion. Apparently breast milk is the best anaesthetic so the doctors asked me to continue.
- in Pizza Hut. We were both hungry so we both ate. In the same time.
- in the middle of my village on a bench. G was very hungry, you wouldn't want your child to get distressed, would you!?!
People's reaction to it? Generally ok. I haven't come across ane pervert yet although I heard a horror story. Men usually turn their heads with slight embarrassment. So cute! Surprisingly some women tighten their lips disapprovingly. Others smile with encouragement. Young children remember when they were doing it. Older children usually pretend not to see you.
And if anyone makes any nasty comment, i've got 2 options on what today to them: either the above speech on eating in public. Or: these breasts are no longer an objec of sexual desire; they're food!
PS Well done to all mohers who do it and to all places - shops, restaurants, etc- who allow or encourage it!

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