Thursday 8 December 2011

I hate vaccines!

There is a reason for this title. Baby G has had her second round of immunisation today. Two shots, one in each thigh, they took seconds. But the pain afterwards... Crying hysterically, not eating, generally making me feel useless and helpless in the same time.
On the plus side. Now baby G is the proud co-owner of a kids saver bank account. Co-owner because she might be only 15 weeks old, but i don't trust her to manage herown finances yet! Did you know that kids under 18 cannot have a current account? Anyway I received a "passport" with this account. It reminds me of the thing I had when I was a kid in my country of origin and I used to deposit the money I got from Carol singing at Christmas.
Two more achievements: Christmas shopping almost done - if not fully done. And yes I'm probably broke. You'd be too on maternity pay! But I'm not complaining, it could be a lot worse. Also almost finished writing and sending Christmas cards. If any of my friends read this, you should get yours, if not sorry baby brain again... Organised or what?!? Those who know me expect nothing less of course.
So what else has happened in my land? Not much. It's cold and windy - so windy that my doors won't stay closed (and no, my house is not draught proof). Oh and it's raining. But it's December in England, you can't possibly expect anything else!
Yesterday I got into the Christmas spirit. All I needed was to see the lights and I was full of holiday cheer. I don't need much to be happy!

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