Friday 2 December 2011

How to bond with your baby

Easy: hold them all the time! Whatever I do I end up with G lying on me. Or almost upright on my chest. Before getting pregnant I thought I'd instil some discipline. F I ever had a baby. discipline? What's that?!? All those ideas went out the window. G lies on me most of the time, sleeps with me, generally has me wrapped around her little finger!
Lovely feeling though - holding a little thing, soft and warm, glued to your body! Note to self: ask Santa - aka my sister - to bring me a wrap. That should last me until she goes to university!
PS. G doesn't discriminate, she sleeps on her granny too.
PPS. Oh and beds seem to develop stinging nettles as staying in them too much seems to hurt G!


  1. Let me be the first to comment (ever :))

    I realized in these 3 years (since Sonia was born) that only when you become a parent you understand what this really means. You can forget all the thoughts, feelings, opinions and plans which you've laid down until that moment.
    So, sleeping with her on top of you is a good thing.

    Speaking of this, whenever somebody gives me "free advises" on how he/she would do things if in my place, especially when that person is not a parent, I tell him/her to give me a break.

    My free advise to you (I cannot stop it :)):
    Choose just few persons (mother, father, sister, pediatrician) to get the advise from.

    Good luck with everything ;)
    (Mr.) Cat :)

  2. Thank you! And wow, someone other than my sister actually reads this! :-)
    I have been lucky so far, not many people volunteered advice. Might be because they know better!
    Thanks again. And all the. Best to you and Sonia.

  3. Hi Ioana and Mr. Cat'S,
    Second comment on your blog. I was very curious to read about the 1 kilo G so here I am.
    I also ended with my little Caterina in our bed, though I always thought keeping the baby out of the parents' arms would make her more independent. The most stupid thing I've ever heard. In fact, it's the opposite. The closer to his parents the baby grows, to more likely to feel secure and self-conscious. :) Best to you and G!
    Ioana Vaman

  4. :-)
    I think G will come to my bed until she's a teenager...
