Thursday 8 December 2011

Having a premature baby part 2

So now you've given birth to your premature baby and cried for Europe and China. The fun has just started!
First it's the language. I learnt loads of acronyms, I know what they mean but for some I have no idea what the initials stand for. Examples: CPAP (a machine that gives them oxygen), NNU (neonatal unit), GERD (gastric reflux), PDA (when the duct between heart and lungs is not closed as it should be), PFO (a little hole between 2 chamber in the heart), etc. Well at least I think that's what they mean, and I'm quite educated and apparently with above average knowledge on anatomy and medicine... Generally the medical terminology - you get to know about long lines, blood transfusions, blood exchange, all sorts of blood tests, even if nothing bad happens. It can be overwhelming especially if you want to know more like I do.
You are of course still scared and counting the 1st week because it's critical, and Then watching out for signs of infection because infection and preemies don't get on well.
And all the potential problems preemies can have... I was so lucky, baby G didn't have many in comparison. Ok, there's the really bad reflux, the PDA / PFO (see above), the hernia but all these are easily corrected. I've heard and seen worse.
And have you ever tried giving a baby multivitamins and iron with a syringe? Don't because it's a nightmare. They taste disgusting (yes, I try everything once before giving it to her). They could put a bit of sugar or honey in them to make them more palatable. Obviously these folks who make them don't administer them to babies! And they have to be given to preemies until they're 12 months!!!
Of course there's also caring for them. Which is great, helps you bond a bit more. But have you ever changed the nappy on a baby who's just over 1 kg of weight? Very very scary... It gets better though. And washing them. And putting clothes on them. I remember first time I put a vest on baby G. It was one that you pull over their heads (again, manufacturers just don't know!!!). I never sweated so much in my life! But I was so proud at the end when it was on. Almost more than getting an MBA!
All in all a character building experience...

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